Friday, February 22, 2008

Gym: Day 1

Met with a personal trainer today and got my body fat calculated (it was actually better than I thought). We did some circuit training and then I got on the elliptical for 30 mins. Not bad. Actually, a pretty good start.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


joined a gym. Ate a Healthy Choice meal tonight...moving in the right direction. Personal trainer appointment tomorrow. I'll let you know how that goes...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The first one

Having spent almost the entirety of my almost 30 years on earth overweight, this seems like the perfect opportunity to fulfill two dreams: writing and finally getting control of my weight. When I was younger I wanted to be thin. I wanted to look good in clothes and it had little to do with being healthy. What 14 year old cares about long term health? I wanted to fit in with my friends. I am tired of reading books like Bridget Jones’ Diary that talk about being so fat, but normal people would kill to weigh 140 pounds. For the past three years I have consumed what I want. Aside from a couple of weeks here and there I have ignored the basic idea of being responsible for my own health. You have, too. I figure this online journal is for all of us. Can I do it? Can you? We'll see.